Today I'm going to blog about my gets from Delyle Noir lucky bag and also from my other gets and where I've purchased them

Seems funny that I just went to Japan and I still bought a lot of stuff aftwerwards but once a shopaholic, always a shopaholic right? XD Luckily I didn't bought all these at once, I just wanted to make a post about (almost) all of them now so I can focus on the future!
I just LOVE the jacket I bought from Delyle Noir back in Japan~ It was so warm and perfect for all the winter

Erika was so kind that she went and reserved the fukubukuro for me and also went to get it and mailed it to me T__T I can't thank her enough
Since the fukubukuro came with a -10%-card for the whole year we agreed with Erika that she would keep it and we would buy things together with it and so we have! Or I'm going to tomorrow XD

The morning the postman brought my parcel, I put on this knit immediately once I got it out from the lucky bag and went to work! After work I was able to take pictures of all the items in the lucky bag
And I think I was very lucky for what I got~

Here they are:
The cardigan wasn't in the lucky bag, I just used to style the outfit a bit hehe~
The knit dress below I bought from Shoplist, both me and Erika bought the same one XD
Bella sneaking around nearly all of the pictures are making me laugh XD But she is like that, she wants to be where the action is~
I got some fabric softener, Rienda fabric mist, My Melody items and the Ageha Memorial book!
Then we can get to the part of "Other gets" that I mentioned on the headline! These are some items that I've bought during last winter and spring. I don't have pictures from all of my purchases but these ones I could find. Many of these are on my Instagram already so those of you who follow me there have seen these probably~
This dress I got from Yumetenbo and on the model it looked classy and chic and when I put it on I felt like a Inn-keeper from Hobbiton XD But I put a belt on it and got it working hehe~
Rady-like shoes from Yumetenbo
I thought alot if I should buy these at all since they were obviously copying Rady but I bought the white ones since I don't really have that many white shoes and I wanted blingy ones~

The skirt is short but I can make it work!
It's my favorite necklace!
Pink set up from Yumetenbo
I love this sooooo much! Even though I think the price (~5000yen) was a bit much from this since the fabric is really thin and stretches alot.. But I love it none the less

Gray set up from Galstar
I haven't bought from there alot.. I think I've bought from there once before and the shipping costs were so expensive that I haven't ordered from there since XD Until now! The set up is very fit but I love that the skirt is really long!

This pink knit is also from Yumetenbo and I bought it because in the photo it reminded me a bit from the DaTuRa knit I wanted but it was sold out.. The color on this Yumetenbo know was much darker IRL than on the photo so I was a little bit disapointed when I got this.
Winter/Spring jacket from Taobao! I made a huge haul on Taobao at some point during winter and ordered mostly shoes
I used Ebeebuy as a shopping service and I got these items through them via sponsored review~ I always use Ebeebuy as my Taobao agent and I can recommend them truly~

My favorite shoes to wear are these black high heels from Taobao~ they are really comfortable to wear and don't hurt at all!
These pink heels were the prettiest and reminded me a bit of one pair I had seen on Shoplist
So I bought these even though I was worried they'd be too small but luckily they weren't! Yaaay~ Can't wait to wear these with my spring/summer coordinates!

These black furry booties ended up being too slippery to wear during winter so I hope that next autumn I'll be able to wear these
If I can't then I'll probably sell them..

The perfect red high heels
Even though the heels are 14cm high they are so easy and comfortable to walk in! I love them so much~~

All the extra things I got with my order! The gel-pads to put inside shoes are really handy and make walking in heels more comfortable

This beautiful La Pafait set up I bought from my dear friend Sui Swan
She has changed her style as well and I just had to have this set up since it has been a dream of mine for a long time!

Last but not least my Rienda knit which is black and doesn't show in this picture as well as it looks IRL..
That's all for today~ Sorry for the picspam but I just wanted to get it all (or most of it) out so that I can move on with this blog of mine!