How are you?
Pinky Paradise contacted me to ask if I wanted to review their new series of lenses! And they looked so interesting that I had to try them out

Nowadays when I have
a full-time job and I'm not unemployed anymore it is really hard for me to find time to blog

So I don't want to take every sponsorship I get since I don't know if I have time to deliver the review. Lack of time also forces me to
stop writing in two languages 
So I'm going to continue writing in
Please share your thoughts about this!
On the review

Princess Pinky Eclipse Blue
Diameter: 14.5mm
Water Content: 38%
Base Curve:8.6mm
Life Span: 1 year disposal
When I was choosing the lenses I figured I should try something new and what I normally wouldn't pick so I chose the
blue lenses
The diameter on these lenses is huuuuge and even though they're a little see-through I kinda like the look

I do think these lenses would look so much better in dark eyes than in light eyes.
I bought this blonde wig from
Viivi and immediately I tried the wig on I felt like I stepped back in the year
2012 XD I really like the wig it's just that I don't want to be blonde anymore

I think I look a bit like some anime character~
My coordinate:
Maxidress: Deary/Yumetenbo

Headband: No brand
Necklace: Ruby Rose

Shoes: Deary/Yumetenbo

Color: ♥♥♥♥ 4/5
Even though I like the icy blue effect of these lenses I honestly think these will look better on darker eyes, or naturally blue eyes to enchance the color~ I like the see-through effect somehow, even when I got a comment it makes me look like a zombie XD
Enlargement: ♥♥♥♥ 4/5
The diameter looks much bigger than the 14.5mm and they do enlarge the eyes in very subtle way. These lenses don't have a thick outer ring which makes them look somehow more natural and somehow not. Again I think these lenses would look better on darker eyes.
Comfort: ♥♥♥ 3/5
These are not very comfortable lenses, I had to use a lot of eyedrops and they still felt dry in my eyes. I think for me it's the size of the lenses that affect to the comfort the most, even though some lenses that have larger diameter have been comfortable too. I can't wear these lenses very long periods of time even with eyedrops.
Thank you for reading!
Share your thoughts below~