I'm Sari, a music and media graduate ♥ I love gyaru fashion, my awesome family and friends, great music and dark chocolate ♥ This blog is about my daily life and style + things I find interesting ♥ I'm a very traditional girly-girl, secretly romantic and often described as silly (^w^) ♥CONTACT ME♥: thalion.greenleaf[a]gmail.com
Exploring Shanghai at Night ♡
Hey cutie! How are you? Today I ticked another major thing from my Shanghai
to-do list: seeing the Bund and Yuyuan at nighttime!! We weren’t sure we
2019 Reflections
I wanted to take some time out to reflect on this past year. *this might be
a little personal but..* I went through a lot of change in such a short
Sponsored post: Derma Roller System
Hi guys, and happy early summer! It has been pretty toasty here in Finland
the last couple of days.I was running some errands and got a slight tan
♡ Angelic Pretty Princess Cat JSK ♡
Moi ihanaiset ♥
Meillä oli tässä taannoin miitti paikallisten lolitojen kanssa ja pääsin
ulkoiluttamaan ensimmäistä kertaa mun unelmaista kissamekkoa! T...
[Review] Canmake Lip Tint Jam
Today I'm going to review on the new lip tint by Canmake!
*Lip Tint Jam*
Isn't the name super kawaii?
I just can't help imagining that i...
The Final Wrap Up
I'm sorry it's been a few weeks. Between me being completely unsure as to
how to finish everything up, then learning that I have to pack up to move...
Hello Everybody!
Wow I must say I am very late at making this post, but better late than
never right?
HYPER is organizing a new event called Shibuya Party...
Sorry to have kept you waiting
So there has been many times for me to start writing here again. Many times
I opened my blog to start writing but every time my fingers stoped moving,
or I...
I moved to a new blog
I love Cocolulu ha formado parte de mi durante muchos años, pero siento que
ya poco tiene que ver con lo que soy ahora.
Aunque siempre digo que voy a volve...
Rienda Suelta eyelash review
Today I want to write about the Rienda lashes I bought from Wanboo. New
lashes have been on my shopping list for some time now but I've always
Royal Tea Party
*Dear Diary,*
*I know I have been voiceless for some time now. I have had some bad
periods of time with my currend condition. But especially the lates one...
Once upon an end ...
Chères Amies et Lectrices,
Je vous annonce aujourd’hui la clôture et le départ à la retraite de Juicy
Blog, après plus ou moins 7 ans de bons e...
I'm moving!->
Hello everyone!
I am super thankful for everyone who has followed CottonCandyGarden. But
it's time to move under a new roof now!
Please give a visit to
♥ C...
Coming up - Japan
Finally blogger stopped being such a bitch and it seems I can make a decent
blog entry again so I'll try to do that.
So. I will be going back to Japan in l...
It's been awhile, babe.
Do you guys know that feeling that you are so full of life, busy, hanging,
doing adult duties.. well you are just living and almost forget to update
New instagram account! Follow me ^_^!
*Hello everyone!!Sorry I haven't blog in a while! I'm super busy with
school and life xP!!Just writing this short entry to let u know I finally
made an...
Nearing Christmas
Hello again!
I can never seem to keep up with blogging, a month has gone past already
sine the last one!
I just got back yesterday from a week in Southampto...
「 XIII Japan 」
Good evening, gals~
I can't even remember when I've blogged twice during two days! But I've
been wondering about doing a little post about one of my fav bra...
Heipä hei taas~♪
Huomenna on taas aika palata takaisin kouluun kesäloman jälkeen, jänskää!
*Hello again~♪Tomorrow it's time to return back to school after ...